Adult Price: 20€
The cherry trees give us a show when they start blooming!
Adult Price: 20€
Children’s price (up to 12 years):15€
Grieta Aventura offers you a scenic and photographic route each spring, when the cherry and the almond trees offer us a spectacular gift by starting to blossom. Blossoming usually occurs between mid March and the beginning of April, but it all depends on the weather.
Few excursions bring together as many charming elements as this excursion in the surrounding areas of Planes, headquarters of its ancient Barony, in the Vall de Gallinera, the valley of cherry orchards. During the trajectory, we visit the Ermita del Santo Cristo(Sacred Christ Shrine). We continue along the path of the Barranco de la Encantada(Enchanted Ravine) with its waterfalls and cascades and continue along the trail that makes its way along the channeled riverbed.
On the way back, we shall return through the fields that take us to Planes, where, if we still have energy, we can enjoy the quaint villages streets and charms it has to offer.
– Qualified guides.
– Insurance R.C.
– Accident insurance.
– Photos.
– Mountain boots or trainers.
– Comfortable clothes suitable for the station.
– Sun protection and spare clothes.
– 1.5 l. of water.
– Average physical condition.
– Full name and D.N.I. (custumers).
– Mobile phone number and e-mail address.